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Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Tour of a Money Belt

European thieves target American tourists. Not because they're mean, but because they're smart. We're the ones with all the good stuff in our bags and wallets. While violent muggings are rare in Europe, you can safely assume you'll be gently, skillfully pickpocketed. The answer isn't fear, but a money belt. Every traveler needs one.

A money belt is a small, nylon-zippered pouch on an elastic belt. Wear it around your waist, completely hidden from sight, tucked into your pants or skirt like a shirttail. At a cost of less than $15, you can protect your travel fortune.

Operate with a day's spending money in your pocket. Consider your money belt as deep storage and dip into it only for select deposits and withdrawals.

Never leave your money belt "hidden" on the beach while you swim. It's safer left in your hotel room.

Packing light applies to your money belt as well as your luggage. Here's what to pack in your money belt:

Passport: You're legally supposed to have it with you at all times.
Plane ticket: Put essential pages in your money belt, nonessential pages (like the receipt) in your luggage.
Railpass: This is as valuable as cash.
Driver's license: This works just about anywhere in Europe and is necessary if you want to rent a car on the spur of the moment.
Credit card: It's required for car rental and handy to have if your cash runs low.
Debit card: A Visa debit card is the most versatile for ATM withdrawals. (I no longer use traveler's checks.)
Cash: Keep only major bills in your money belt.
Plastic sheath: Money belts easily get slimy and sweaty. Damp plane tickets and railpasses can be disgusting and sometimes worthless. Even a plain old baggie helps keep things dry.
Contact list: Print small, and include every phone number or email address of importance in your life.
Trip calendar page: Include your hotel list and all necessary details from your itinerary.

A money belt is your key to peace of mind. If you're pickpocketed, it won't matter. In fact, when you're wearing a moneybelt, having a thief's hand in your pocket becomes just one more interesting cultural experience.

Common Moneybelt Questions:

Are some countries safe?
No. Even in the safest countries, thieves gather where tourists do.
What kind of moneybelt is best?
Anything which ties your essentials to your body under your clothes is fine. We prefer a belt to the around-the-neck pouches.
Will a fanny pack suffice?
No. Fanny packs are popular alternatives to day packs but should never (never, never) be used as a moneybelt. Thieves target fanny packs rightly assuming that many store their valuables inside (and no matter what you may think, you can't feel someone's hand in your fanny pack).
What do you do when you go swimming?
Never hide your moneybelt at the beach. It's safer left out of sight in your hotel room.
What about women?
Many women wear their moneybelt in the back under their skirt or pants. Remember, you keep a day's spending money in your pocket. Your moneybelt is your deep storage for select deposits and withdrawals.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Tourist Scams in Europe

Many of the most successful scams require a naive and trusting tourist. Be wary of any unusual contact or commotion in crowded public (especially touristy) places. If you're alert and aren't overly trusting, you should have no problem. Here are some clever ways European thieves bolster their cash flow. (For more examples, look in the appendix for excerpts from my Graffiti Wall message board.)

Slow count: Cashiers who deal with lots of tourists thrive on the "slow count." Even in banks, they'll count your change back with odd pauses in hopes the rushed tourist will gather up the money early and say "Grazie." Also be careful when you pay with too large a bill. Waiters seem to be arithmetically challenged. If giving a large bill for a small payment, clearly state the value of the bill as you hand it over. Some cabbies or waiters will pretend to drop a large bill and pick up a hidden small one in order to shortchange a tourist. In Italy, the now-worthless 500-lire coin looks like a €2 coin — be alert when accepting change.

Oops! You're jostled in a crowd as someone spills ketchup or fake pigeon poop on your shirt. The thief offers profuse apologies while dabbing it up — and pawing your pockets. There are variations: Someone drops something, you kindly pick it up, and you lose your wallet. Or, even worse, someone throws a baby into your arms as your pockets are picked. Assume beggars are pickpockets. Treat any commotion (a scuffle breaking out, a beggar in your face) as fake — designed to distract unknowing victims. If an elderly woman falls down an escalator, stand back and guard your valuables, then...carefully...move in to help.

The "helpful" local: Thieves posing as concerned locals will warn you to store your wallet safely — and then steal it after they see where you stash it. If someone wants to help you use an ATM, politely refuse (they're just after your PIN code). If a bank machine eats your ATM card, see if there's a thin plastic insert with a tongue hanging out that crooks use to extract it. (A similar scam is to put something sticky in the slot.) Some thieves put out tacks and ambush drivers with their "assistance" in changing the tire. Others hang out at subway ticket machines eager to "help" you, the bewildered tourist, buy tickets with a pile of your quickly disappearing foreign cash. If using a station locker, beware of the "hood samaritan" who may have his own key to a locker he'd like you to use.

Fake police: Two thieves in uniform — posing as "Tourist Police" — stop you on the street, flash their bogus badges, and ask to check your wallet for counterfeit bills or "drug money." You will not even notice some bills are missing until they leave. Never give your wallet to anyone.

Young thief gangs: These are common all over urban southern Europe, especially in the touristy areas of Milan, Florence, and Rome. Groups of boys or girls with big eyes, troubled expressions, and colorful raggedy clothes play a game where they politely mob the unsuspecting tourist, beggar-style. As their pleading eyes grab yours and they hold up their pathetic message scrawled on cardboard, you're fooled into thinking that they're beggars. All the while, your purse, fanny pack, or backpack is being expertly rifled. If you're wearing a money belt and you understand what's going on here, there's nothing to fear. In fact, having a street thief's hand slip slowly into your pocket becomes just one more interesting cultural experience.

So, watch your steps!

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Travel Corner

This blog will give you more infomation & tips abaout travel. You must read to get more idea about your holiday travel.

Good luck!